Haunted House in Bangalore: A Real-Life Ghost Story!

Moving Into Haunted House

This incident happened when I was in Bangalore. There’s a place near Trinity Circle where my friends and I had started working and were looking for rented rooms. One of my friends moved into an apartment with two other guys. The flat had two rooms—one guy had a single room, and the other two shared a room.

At first, everything seemed normal. But soon, strange and horror things started happening.

One evening, my friend was working on his laptop. From his peripheral vision, he kept noticing something moving—like a hairy figure passing by. Initially, he thought it was just his flatmate walking around. So he casually told his roommate:

A dimly lit apartment room at night with a young man working on his laptop. In his peripheral vision, a shadowy, hairy figure is passing by in the back

“Bro, when you step out of your room, at least wear some clothes!”

His flatmate just replied, “Okay, okay.”

But this kept happening for a whole week. Finally, he confronted his roommate again:

“Dude, I’ve told you so many times, why are you walking around like that?”

And that’s when his flatmate said something that sent chills down his spine:

“I was sleeping, bro… and our other roommate isn’t even home.”

If it wasn’t him, then who was it?

The rest of the guys laughed it off, saying he was just imagining . But things got weirder.

The Night We All Saw It – Paranormal Activities

A few weeks later, we had a Friday night office party at their place. Everyone was drinking, having fun, and chilling in the room. Suddenly, the guy who lived alone in one of the rooms said:

A dark room with three young men partying alone at night. They are drinking and laughing, but the atmosphere is eerie with dim lighting.

“Did you see that?”

I asked, “See what?”

No one else noticed anything paranormal, so we brushed it off. Around that time, someone had delivered a can of water to the kitchen, so we assumed he was just confused.

But a little later, I saw it too something supernatural.

I turned to him and said, “Brother… I also saw that.”

We both stood up, frozen and in shock. We decided to check the room, but instead of going in, we called out:

“Abhishek! Abhishek!”

But then, Dipanshu (another friend) told us:

“Only I’m here. Abhishek is not even home.”

Now, here’s the thing—Abhishek was the only fat, hairy guy in that flat. If it wasn’t him that we saw, then who was it?

By this time, we were scared as hell. More than an hour passed, and we tried to shake it off. But then we needed water from the kitchen.

As we walked toward the kitchen, we saw something that made our blood run cold— something horror

The water inside the bottle was vibrating – face to face with pure horror

A dark kitchen at night with a large 20-litre water can placed on the floor. The water inside is mysteriously vibrating, and some water is spilling

Like someone was dragging the can across the floor, . We stood there, frozen for 20 seconds. And then—

We ran for our lives.

At 1 AM that night, it was very scary, we decided that something was seriously haunting this place. Within days, my friend and his flatmates packed up and left that haunted house

The worst part? In Bangalore, landlords rarely return your security deposit. But they didn’t even bother asking for it back. They just wanted to get out.

What We Discovered Later – A horror loop of tenants

After moving out, we started asking around about the building. And guess what?

Every 2-3 months, new tenants would move in and then leave suddenly.

The landlord knew. The neighbors knew. But no one said a word because the building was too commercial and too bigto be rebuilt. The owner just kept renting it out, letting new people go through the same nightmare.

Till this day, we still don’t know what we saw in that flat.

Has anyone else experienced something horror like this in Bangalore?

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